Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Daily Honk Tonk 177th Edition

The Daily Honky Tonk
177th Edition
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
9:05 PM

This edition I’m just going to title Mark’s Minutes- because they are all just short little random bits.

Written Tonight
Chelsea’s Wedding: There is a stigma as a member of the church that when people go to BYU they get married rather quickly. I remember being sure that I would return and several of my good friends would be married. However, they weren’t married when I got home. However, now having been home nearly a year that statistic is changing. Yesterday, I got to attend Chelsea’s wedding (going out to lunch with Laura, Katie, and Jon, I made the connection afterwards with the fact that she is the youngest). I’ve never had the opportunity to attend a Sealing (the ceremony of marriage in the Temple that allows couples to be together forever). The Spirit and joy in the Temple was overwhelming. I felt so incredibly happy. It made me want to get married!!! (In due time of course). A couple things stuck out that the Sealer said to Chelsea and Justin to me. He reminded them that they have very different talents and that they are to build on them and never compete through them. Then he talked about the Holy Spirit of Promise. His words struck me a lot. I remember while I was studying in the scriptures, I discovered not long before leaving for California about the Holy Spirit of Promise and the important role the Spirit plays in confirmation of individual events and things. The Holy Spirit of Promise comes up when we talk about marriages, baptisms, and other similar ordinances. The Holy Spirit of Promise is what confirms that those actions are recognized and effective in the eyes of God. The Sealer talked about the importance of looking for the Spirit of Promise confirming little things. It made me think about the little instances in which the Holy Spirit of Promise comes in and blesses our lives. As a missionary, there would be times when the Spirit would fall upon me and tell me that my offering was acceptable before the Lord and that I was doing what he wanted. In friendships and relationships with others, I’ve noticed that the Spirit will come into a conversation for several purposes. Sometimes I’ve noticed that the feeling is one that is an increased love and understanding that helps us build relationships. Sometimes, it confirms that the conversation is something you or the other person needed to hear. And sometimes the Spirit comes not in talking but in the way you treat each other (the Sealer mentioned that to Chelsea and Justin).

She Is Love- by Parachute
** This is a recently discovered song that I really like. It’s interesting because this song could be interpreted to be about a girl or it could be a general description of the power of love.

I've been beaten down, I've been kicked around,
But she takes it all for me.
And I lost my faith, in my darkest days,
But she makes me want to believe.

They call her love, love, love, love, love.
They call her love, love, love, love, love.
She is love, and she is all I need.

She's all I need.

Well I had my ways, they were all in vain,
But she waited patiently.
It was all the same, all my pride and shame,
And she put me on my feet.


And when that world slows down, dear.
And when those stars burn out, here.
Oh she'll be here, yes she'll be here,
They call her love, love, love, love, love.
They call her love, love, love, love, love.
They call her love, love, love, love. love.


Written at the beginning of last week
My brother sent me an email to inform me about a change in his email address. He mentioned that he felt that his old address was juvenile. It kind of made me laugh because I really liked his email address. But then I started to think about moments with my email address. With people I don’t know, I usually don’t get much of a reaction. You know, when some business or school person asks for your email, they hear so many unique ones that they don’t really bother to ask, and they don’t usually show any emotion about it. But sometimes I’m nervous when I catch a look or I can tell they want to ask. Then when friends or new acquaintances ask about it there is always a chuckle when I say Honky Tonk and then an “oh, that’s actually really cool” when I explain what it is. Just a funny little thought pattern I wanted to record.

I saw a blog where a friend said in a list of things she can do that she can “Fall in love”. I haven’t thought about the agency involved in falling in love in quite a while. Can I fall in love? Or do I just have too much fear of letting someone that close?

I’ve always believed that I’m not very photogenic. Every once in a while I’ve seen pictures that I thought looked good. But if I’m going to look at myself, I usually feel better in a mirror than in a picture. I was looking through the pictures that are posted of me on Facebook and I was reminded of a comment a friend made after she met me. She said “The pictures I saw of you before I met you don’t really do you justice” or something to that effect. . .whatever she said it translated to “Wow, pictures of you don’t turn out well, I’m glad you look better than that.” It made me laugh because she’s a friend who is very honest and direct and doesn’t bury her comments in mush and it made me feel better that at least one other person recognizes that when I take pictures they don’t turn out very well.

The Editor,

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