Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Daily Honk Tonk 179th Edition

The Daily Honky Tonk
179th Edition
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last DHT: September 16, 2009 = 3 Months of Life
What’s Changed: A lot of everything :)
Things I’m going to write about in this Edition
Politics: Why Obama and I aren’t Friends
Some specially wrapped memories

Why Obama and I aren’t Friends (besides the fact that we have never met)

When Obama was put in office around a year ago I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to think. I didn’t vote for him (but I wasn’t all that impressed with the person I did vote for) . . . But seeing as he was in office I didn’t what to make too quick of a judgment. I wrote about my frustration with the political system and the difficulty in discerning what was real and fake. I decided to sit back and watch to decide what I thought of Obama. I decided to continually read the news and keep myself updated on what was going on in the world. After a year of President Obama I can definitely say I’m not a fan. Here are my reasons:
-The gargantuan increase of National Debt that causes me to wander when money will lose its value and when the economy will fall apart.
-The appearance of Obama in every part of the news. Obama has appeared in the news more than any President I can remember. I find myself weary to read an article unrelated to Obama that mentions that he is aware of what is going on. Hmmm . . .
-The previous comment tied with extra presence everywhere: Obama went to the World Climate Gathering, he went to make a bid for Chicago in front of the Olympic committee, and he won a Nobel Peace Prize without doing anything other than increasing that American Taxpayers will have to make up to be paid (partly) to those who don’t believe nor practice the principles of self-reliance.
-Finally, the thing that bugs me the most is the way that the laws are being passed. I commented on my discomfort with the Stimulus package flying through congress without people being able to read it. . .but it seems to be a pattern. The most recent Health Care Reform vote in the Senate was ridiculous. States were bribed with individual rewards to cast in their vote to finally get the required sixty votes. The Senate has a part to blame here, but Obama was pushing it and I read headlines announcing his disappointment that it wasn’t just flying through so the changes could start. I think its ridiculous that a bill can get passed on bribes, without the bill being available to be read and studied out. I wouldn’t feel so bad about it if people had seen it and been able to make a decision based on what was contained and how they thought it would effect American citizens. But a bill that is passed by making deals in front of everybody to give favor to a state whose vote they want it disgusting. I suspect the Founders of this nation are turning in their graves.

On a lighter note, a funny look at all the goings on this year was written by Dave Barry. Caleb and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it out loud and laughing at Barry’s quirky reminders of what all has happened. . .you can read the article here

To the Memory of Christmas

A Summary of The Semester, Break, and Life:

  • As of today Amy Bucey is Mrs. Amy Knowlton. This past semester has certainly been one of tying the knot. I’ve never had so many engaged and recently married friends. Chelsea, Laura, and Amy are married now. Three young women who changed and influenced my life in so many ways. I was glad that I had the opportunity to know all of their spouses and I feel confident that they are in good hands. I’m not sure what I would have done if I didn’t like the boys they chose, but I am filled with joy knowing they are well married . . After all they deserve the best.
  • Jonathan Brewster lived with me this semester .. .oh this semester will be memorable just through Jonathan- The Ever Running Skype relationship between him and his girlfriend, the all-nighters once or twice a week, and I am now a certified PHD on ADHD :)
  • Catering Life has consumed me. I love my job. Wait .. .let me rephrase that .. I really love my job.
  • In related news I am dating a girl who is amazing.
  • And as for being home:
    • Wii Games (MarioKart, Super Smash Brothers, and Skiing)
    • Nerf Gun Battles
    • Dinner Conversations
    • Snow Ball Fights
    • Sledding
    • Early Morning Indoor Soccer
    • Finishing a Dental Implant . . Say goodbye to the flipper (which by the way made for exciting first dates before having a girlfriend :) )
    • Christmas Eve Soup Dinner
    • Watching my siblings on Christmas Morning (Most Original gift was definitely from Nathan (13) who gave me an old wallet prefilled with 3 dollar bills and a fourth in coins :) )
    • Recording music with my new nifty microphone
    • Reading books for fun! - Peter and the Starcatchers, Catching Fire (2nd Hunger Games book), and 3 Cups of Tea
    • Being productive by working to finish my independent study.
    • Watching my 3 year old sister enjoy and dance in her new ballet tutu’s.
    • Having time to write this DHT :)
    • Just wanting to eat my family up in case they decide to take off on a few month world tour :)
    • And enjoying listening to all they read about touring the world (this returns to dinner conversations)

Speaking of dinner conversations and closing so I can go to sleep tonight something funny happened at dinner. My mom was talking about a book she was reading written by a peace worker who went to Africa. In the book it talked about how the women would prepare and cook all the food and then the men would come and eat what they wanted. Whatever was left would then be divided between women and children, which apparently wasn’t usually very much. We were talking about how different that would be and how we were glad that wasn’t part of our society. Gideon declared that if he lived there he would divide the food among everyone fairly and he would eat last. Nathan, said that he wouldn’t allow his wife to eat first. He said if he let her eat first she would then get on a throne and start whipping telling him to get her food, to do this and to do that. Nathan is hilarious.

Goodnight friends,
The Editor,

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