Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Daily Honky Tonk 168th Edition

The Daily Honky Tonk
168th Edition
November 9, 2008
It’s taken me a lot longer than I imagined to write a second DHT. I think I imagined that when I got home that I would have lots of time . . . but as I have discovered, I just don’t have it. I haven’t decided to make it a priority. Other things have occupied my time.
As of Yesterday, I’ve been home a month. When I got home, the weather here in Illinois, was the same as that in California. As of today, I’m pretty sure we are entering the cold times. . . at least that’s what snow flurries usually mean.
Some major events of the past couple weeks:
· I’ve integrated into the Singles Ward in Urbana and I love it.
· I finished the 7th Harry Potter Book and enjoyed it very much.
· I’ve spent a collective 10 hours on the phones with various girls J I definitely missed talking with girls. Although, I must say, I think my thoughts on guys and girls have changed. Before, I would have told you that girls are generally angels and guys devils. At this point, I think you can find both guys and girls on all ends of the spectrum.
· I’ve lost five pounds between playing soccer 3 times a week and running 4 miles a day. Five to ten more pounds would be ideal.
· I’ve bought a new wardrobe, to replace white shirts and ties J
· I’ve found out that American Heritage, even as an online course, it very time intensive.
· I enjoyed going to the U of I choir concert last night. I think I may minor in music.
· I watched some of the SNL comedy skits of the Presidential Debates last night, and discovered that I was quite clueless about any of the politics. I didn’t see one single debate. Therefore, much of the comedy, and any real sense of the actual election being important seems beyond me.

Chief Financial Officer for a Day
If you ask me what I think I want to study or major in, my answer is “Education, I want to be a teacher.” But, I still haven’t found myself entirely sure. I decided that since I have some time on my hand, that I would go and find out what exactly my dad does. My dad is the Chief Financial Officer for Carle Hospital. I’ve never known exactly what that entailed. So, I asked if I could go to work one day.
My dad found a day that he thought would show me a variety of what he did and would be most interesting to me. So, this past Wednesday I went to Carle.
The first meeting was a report of the yearly financial statement to a board. The presentation was given for the most part by my dad and one of the guys he works with, Scott. Scott, had taken found me alone in the office a couple moments, and commented that he enjoyed working with my dad because he has good moral sense and is smart. I found the meeting interesting. After the financial statement was made, there were proposals of what actions the hospital could take. Then, the members of the board would vote to decide whether they would take it for approval. I found that very fascinating.
Afterward, we ate a breakfast, provided by the company, and talked with the leading member of the Board and Scott. Over breakfast they talked about the economy, the election, and morals of society. That was an interesting conversation. I enjoyed seeing that two of the men my dad works with are men with values, who are not only hard work individuals, but also who preoccupy themselves with the moral decay of our nation. Another thing I started to see was the level at which politics starts to influence our society and where it can actually have an affect.
Great businessmen, I have noted, are well read individuals. They read about politics, the economy, and many of the things going on in society. They are educated about history, religion, and have a wide range of interests. They are acutely aware of cause and effect, and concern themselves with the better good of society as a whole. I particularly noticed this when I visited the home of a multi-millionaire who lived in Santa Maria. He was a very successful businessman who owned thousands of acres in a variety of places in the world. His house included a gorgeous library with many many books. What caught my attention however, was that the immediate reading materials on his Magazine were Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, and other various current events articles. I’ve become aware that many successful individuals are those who can identify the many causes and effects that lie underneath the surface and then react and act appropriately. I enjoy listening to educated people talk.
Afterwards, there was a meeting with a Community Board that talked about the different health programs going on in the community. Wide issues, such as grants Carle had given, community perceptions of the services available, and whether different services were being used was discussed. I found the meeting to be very interesting. I love addressing issues and then working together to try and solve them. As a missionary, leadership counsels did exactly that, we addressed issues and talked about solutions. I love that kind of interaction. I decided that one of my goals is to involve my self in the community through some kind of board.
Then, we listened in on training for the compliance department over a telephone conference. I actually listened to two different seminars over phone conference. I thought that was interesting. It wasn’t my favorite way of training, but I became aware that it is common.
Dad and I went out for lunch at Miko’s, an oriental buffet. I enjoyed discussing what I observed and asking for details on some things I didn’t fully understand as an observer.
The last event of the day was a telephone meeting with a rating company, where the hospital was rated. The agency observed the hospital’s statistics and then would talk different things out and listen to the hospital’s plans.
The day was fascinating to me. So much of it was a new world with it’s own lingo; luckily it wasn’t to hard to follow what was going on. I liked the office atmosphere. I’ve always thought that I would. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s the professional look, or the image of productivity and progress, I’m not really sure. I just liked it.
I’m not sure I would want to be a CFO. But a lot of the skills sets that needed to be used for the job I liked. Specifically that would include; Having a problem, creating, and proposing and discussing a solution; also, Being involved with many different people and departments, I like being involved with lots of individuals. Having the opportunity to be trained and to train employees appeals to me, mainly the idea of continuing education. I think I enjoyed that there seemed to be a variety of things to do and that the conditions were always changing, so it would never get boring.
Spending a day with a CFO was nice. It’s also nice to know what it means when Dad goes to work. Dad going to work is one of those universal concepts where so often, or at least I think, we have a black haze over our mind. It’s a concept, and there reality is something of which we are unaware. However, now, when I think that, Dad is at work, it has significance and there isn’t a black haze in my mind.

Movie Review
Dan in Real Life
Quite frankly, I don’t think that “Dan in Real Life” is a properly named film. I’m not sure what my mind actually conjured from reading the title, but it wasn’t the resulted viewing. However, my rating of the movie, is that it’s a decent watch.
I’ve just realized I don’t like writing reviews. They seem kind of dry. Or maybe, its just that talking about this movie does not leave me to think deeply about much of anything.
Dan in Real Life is a love story about two people who seemingly are perfect for each other in a book store. So the girl disappears; Dan goes to his family reunion, where he is introduced to his brother’s girlfriend, the very same lady he met. An interesting weekend with the family ensues. While the two try and hide there interest. The film is rated PG-13, probably for the two scenes that made me uncomfortable.
The character Dan is played by Steve Carrel and his special interest, Marie is played by Juliette Binoche(Chocolat). I thought they both did a nice job. I was fascinated by Steve Carrel, as near the beginning of my mission, one of the missionaries I served around decided that I look like Steve Carrel. I of course, had no clue who he was talking about. Now, I’m a little less film illiterate and can say I know who Steve Carrel is, and I don’t see all that many similarities.
The one perhaps interesting thing I took from the film was that it reminded me of a conversation with a friend. We talked about two different types of attractions. One is a healthy attraction and the other being an obsession. Healthy attraction is when you like somebody, but you don’t think about them all the time and don’t want to be around them all the time. This allows the two people to become friends and grow into a relationship. Obsession, is less healthy and usually leads to the parties moving at a more rapid pace, without establishing a great friendship first. Dan’s of course was an obsession. It ate him inside; he acted abnormally, and got jealous. It did not lead to healthy emotions or actions. Watching out for that kind of difference in attraction seems important to me as one comes more out of desire (obsession) and the other out of sincere interest that grows and can see the pros and cons before acting. If one decides to act quickly, they can find themselves in a relationship that isn’t that compatible. The other one will have a greater chance of deciding not to enter a relationship that isn’t compatible. On a risk/benefits, my personal feeling would be that you are better becoming friends. Leave out obsession, and then, become friends. One can “fall in love” with somebody who they aren’t really compatible with. Better to decide that before getting emotionally attached.

Letters to the Editor
I recieved a lot of emails saying hello welcom home. Unless there seemed to be pressing questions, I didn't respond to many of them. Although, I did read them and I'm excited to hear from family and friends and to see that your lives continue to move forward in joyous and exciting ways. I still am getting back into the swing of things as you all can tell. This is only my second DHT. I hope to write a little more frequently, though I find myself somewhat nervous to do so. Without the practice, I feel the writing doesn't flow as easily, but I know that will come in time.

Oh, and hopefully, I've changed everyone's addresses who asked me too. But its possible I didn't. If you did send me a message asking me to send the DHT to a different address. Please send me an email again, as I am currently under the belief that I have changed them all. :)

An Interesting Website about a World War II Escape Tunnel

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The Editor,

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